Thursday, June 30, 2005


I've noticed a lot of what can only be described as truck testicles. And they are just gross! I don't understand why this ridiculous trend even exists. I can understand the "boat propellor" on the hitch, but balls?!?! What the ?!?!? Oh wait. Let me look around...oh yeah, white trash!

And now that I do a little searching, I see you can even get them in colors, in case flesh tone wasn't quite right for you. (Also note that this site, the first one on the Google search, is located near me, right in St. Pete.) Arg!!

And geez...this place even has them for a motorcycle! And if that's not enough, you can also have balls on your keys. Do men really want to see balls everywhere? I would think boob-shaped key-chains would be much more popular...


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